Holocaust Education Program Podcast
Welcome to the official podcast of the English Montreal School Board Holocaust Education Program, supported by a grant from the Jewish Community Foundation of Montreal. Over the course of this academic year we will be interviewing survivors and talking to other students and staff about what they have learned from this new EMSB program, made possible thanks to a Jewish Community Foundation grant. It will include many guest speakers, activities and visits to the Montreal Holocaust Museum.
Holocaust Education Program Podcast
Lester B. Pearson High School students get a new perspective on the Holocaust.
Secondary V students at Lester B. Pearson High School in Montreal North have been engaged in a learning process where understanding our history, developing both empathy and compassion, as well as empowerment for the future, have been the objectives. This learning path began with a novel study of the memoir Night by Elie Wiesel which was read by LBPHS students in Pangiota Seremetis' Secondary V English classes. The setting for the novel takes place during the Holocaust and follows Eliezer's family`s horrific journey through to Auschwitz. The learning process concluded with a trip to the Montreal Holocaust Museum organized by Spiritual Community Animator Joseph Monachino. The visit and accompanying workshop made the experiences described in Night real for the students and made the novel study even more impactful. Mr. Monachino stresses that this type of learning opportunity truly enables and empowers each of the students, and it is in this way that we can help ensure that events such as the Holocaust never happen again.
Join Mark Bergman as he chats with, Cristina Baronello (student), Sienna Porco (student), and their teacher Ms Pangiota Seremetis.